I was very lucky during the first two months of my pregnancy; suffering only two days of morning sickness/nausea and maintaining my weight for the first 5 months, it was silly of me to think I would breeze through my third trimester with the same ease. Alas, it was not meant to be. So, I thought I would put together a little list of my personal third trimester essentials.
- Stretch mark oil.
Okay, so this wasn't really a third trimester purchase. Other than my folic acid, this was one of the first things I purchased after finding out I was pregnant. I believe that if you're going to get stretch marks, you're going to get them. I already have stretch marks in various places on my body but I wanted to give my body a helping hand in reducing its chances of getting them on my stomach. Although I cannot prove that the oil has stopped me getting stretch marks (fingers crossed & touch wood as I could still get them) but it has put me at ease. My partner rubs it in rather than doing it myself which I genuinely believe gives him a little bonding time with baby pea. (Plus it means I get to lay back, relax and have a little massage!) - Fybogel.
When I fell pregnant, every woman who had previously had a baby told tales of their back pains, the impending cramps, the swollen legs & feet and the heartburn I was bound to experience (see number 4.) Nobody warned me of the stomach problems I would experience once I hit this trimester. With the increase in progesterone in your body, the growing baby squishing your intestines and in some cases, iron supplements causing gut problems, half of pregnant women experience some form of constipation in their pregnancy. Fybogel has been a life saver for me. It's not the nicest taste or texture but with one in the morning, it has helped keep me regular. TMI but honestly, what did you expect coming on an expectant mothers blog? - Maternity Pillow.
Yes!! I did not realise one pillow could make such a difference. As I've got bigger, I've found it very difficult to get comfortable during the night. My maternity pillow manages to support my bump and my leg. With many on the market, there are loads to choose from. I opted for a simple U shaped pillow. Yes, there were complaints at first from my partner as they take up quite a lot of room but after a while, he stopped moaning and realised that my pillow was important to me and I have debated whether I will even get rid of it after the baby is born. - Milk.
Not really a pregnancy purchase but my saviour when it comes to heartburn. I am very funny when it comes to taking medication so when I read up that milk is a natural heartburn reliever, I was chuffed. I did purchase some Tesco own brand Heartburn & Indigestion Liquid one day but have you tried that stuff? It is like swallowing a spoon of PVA glue... Yuck! Heartburn is one thing I have suffered terribly with during this trimester so milk has become my best friend. - Water Infuser Bottle.
This speaks for itself. If you struggle with drinking water, this is a great way to increase your water intake. A pregnant woman needs, on average, depending on your level of fitness and daily exercise, 2.2 litres of fluid a day. Fluid is a vague term and yes, includes water, fruit juice, milk etc however, I tried to stick to my water and my fruit infuser water helped me. I bought a 2 litre one, it's quite bulky and the description said for hikers but it's the perfect size for me to take to work in the morning and once I've finished it, any extra 'fluid' that day is a bonus for my baby and me. - Maternity clothing.
Like I said, I was lucky that I could fit into most of my clothes still way into my 5th month but once I hit month six, it was maternity jeans, loose fitting dresses and even maternity tights. I will make a seperate blog post on what my staple items were in my maternity wardrobe but bigger bras will definitely be number one on that list! - Yoga
Last on my list is some form of yoga. The yoga I was doing before pregnancy could not be carried on in my third trimester once my stomach had started to pop out. So I found a more pregnant friendly yoga and it helps relax me, keep my exercising and is baby friendly.
These are just seven of the essentials in MY pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different and what may work for me, may not work for you and you make experience your own problems. You may also read my list and think "Ha! What heartburn?!" but like I said, everybodys journey is different. As long as you get through it healthy and happy, it doesn't matter how you cope.
I'd love to know what your pregnancy essentials were. Were any the same? Is there anything missing on my list that you simply could not live without? Let me know in the comments!
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