Sunday, 12 March 2017

Pregnancy & The Fear

"The pain of breastfeeding had me on my knees almost unable to breathe!"

"Your partner won't be able to look at you the same way after seeing the head of a baby come out of you!"

"There is so much blood afterwards, you'll go through 10 pairs of knickers!"

"Make sure you take all the pain meds they offer! You'll regret it if not!"

These are just four of the comments I've heard in the last week as I get closer to my due date. So my question is this... Why do people feel the need to try and scare you about labour whilst claiming they 'wish somebody had told me all this before I'd gone into labour' ?? It's just not necessary. 

Don't get me wrong, I am so glad my sister and mum discussed that yes, I'll probably need to take a box of disposable briefs and yes, I should take more than one pair of comfy bottoms just in case there's more bleeding than I anticipated but there are ways of telling new expectant mothers these things without installing the fear into them.

Telling me I'm going to shit my arsehole out during labour isn't something I want to hear by a customer who comes into my work once a week or to the lady behind me in the que at Starbucks when she overheard that I plan on breastfeeding, it's not your chance to butt into my conversation and ask me "are you sure? It makes your boobs really saggy." No no no no no. 

This is my body. My pregnancy and my life. I'm sorry, unless I ask you a question or your opinion or unless you're my mother or sister and believe I will benefit from hearing your opinion even if I don't particularly want it, then you should stick to the usual "when is it due?" "do you know what you're having?" or even maybe the "wow, you're glowing" comments that expectant mothers don't mind being asked/told 100 times a day. 

End of rant.

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